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How Music Helps Us Discover Our Inner Selves

By Naelea Mendoza Aguilar

Music is a beautiful form of art. Its melodies, rhythms, and lyrics connect us to specific aspects of our lives that help us build our inner selves. This can range from specific people, places, and most importantly memories. There’s also a huge variety of music one can choose from. So many artists and genres to choose from to help one create their own taste in music. This then leads everyone to have their own unique style and preference of music and to share with others who might have similar tastes, ultimately helping us to discover our inner selves and what makes us happy.

Throughout the years, I’ve developed many friendships and connections because of music. Whether it was because we shared the same favorite artist/genre or because we enjoyed the same albums. Fun fact, I connected with my best friend of 7+ years because of music! It’s crazy to think just how much music has an impact on our lives. We listen to it every day whether it’s on the radio, on our phones, on an elevator, at stores, or even at some doctor's offices. We can’t escape the fact that because it’s constantly around us that it influences our own personality.

But overall, music has heavily influenced the finding of my inner self. During quarantine, I spent most of my time listening to tons of music and creating new playlists. Many of which were specifically made for when I was cleaning, driving, or simply just vibing. Because I spent so much time listening to music, I would not only discover new songs but old ones that I used to love. In my childhood jams where I surprisingly remembered the lyrics word for word. Or even songs that were connected to a specific person/memory. When I listened to those songs again for the first time in YEARS, not only was I emotional, but my inner self felt healed.



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