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How to Get Out of a Funk

by Mira Eagan

Often, I find myself feeling empty and unmotivated. When balancing school, a social life, and other activities, life can easily get overwhelming and stressful. Through much trial and error, I have begun implementing healthy coping mechanisms to combat my anxieties and depression.

1. Go outside

When I want to feel brand new again, the first thing I try is going outside. These moments instantly elevate my mood, whether I am going on a walk or sitting in my backyard. Rain or shine, nothing can stop me from enjoying my time outdoors. My favorite activity is dancing in the rain.

2. Phone a friend

When I am feeling down, talking to the people I love always helps me. My friends are always there to help me out of a funk by offering support and kindness. It is okay to feel down, and truthfully it is best to reach out to others instead of holding it in.

3. Exercise

Getting my body moving always helps me release my anxiety. Exercise can take so many forms. It can be a trip to the gym, a walk around the block, or even a dance party in your living room. Exercise can be anything from going to the gym, taking a walk, or having a dance party. Motivating yourself can be very difficult, so oftentimes to clear my head I take a walk around the block and recuperate.

4. Get dessert

My personal favorite on this list, and what I have found most effective, is to get dessert. In Eugene, my favorite place to go is Sweet Life. They have an assortment of cakes, cookies, pies and so much more. Eating a bit of chocolate instantly elevates my mood.

5. Listen to music

Whenever I am sad, listening to music always makes me feel better. My go-to artist is Taylor Swift– she has a song for any mood you're feeling. Listening to music helps me understand and appreciate my emotions instead of looking at them negatively.

6. Self-care

Next time you feel overwhelmed, try taking a nice shower and putting on a face mask. It is extremely important to take care of yourself when you are feeling down. My advice is to do a full skincare routine, drink some tea and watch Netflix.

7. Treat Yourself

Lastly, treat yourself. For each person, treating yourself looks different. Personally, I love to go shopping and get dinner with my mom. Hanging out with people I love, and doing things I love, makes me a happier person.

Times can seem uncertain and scary, so it is important that you stay positive. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of moments when I thought the world was caving in. By implementing these practices into my life into my everyday life, I have been able to help myself feel better.



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