by Naelea Mendoza Aguilar
As I continue to learn things throughout the years, one of the most important things I’ve learned is how to value my own peace. I’ve realized that accepting your own presence and valuing it is fundamental, especially with the crazy world we are living in nowadays. During quarantine, I found ways in which I could acquire a piece of mind, mainly because everything at the time seemed so stressful and out of my control. Luckily, I was able to value not only my own peace but also value my own self-love. I’ve listed some ways that helped me value my inner peace but keep in mind that not every strategy will work for everyone, but it doesn’t hurt to try!
Ways In Which You Can Value Your Own Peace:
As cliché as it may sound, it definitely works! One of my favorite Pilates instructors here at the UO once said, “Focus on your breathing; it’s the one thing in life you can control.” And it’s always stuck with me.
Journaling is always a good habit to acquire, but journaling about yourself is even better. Not only does it make you think about yourself on a deeper level, but it can make you grow your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Always remember to self-advocate for yourself in any situation. Whether you don’t want to let someone down or disappoint them. If you simply want to say “no,” do it confidently. Even if that means canceling plans. SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF!
Self-Care Sundays
This is a personal favorite! Simply taking time to do an entire self-care routine. Whether that’s taking a bath, doing your skincare, painting your nails, or even having an entire spa night!
Another personal favorite! This can range from simply going on a walk/run, doing yoga and pilates, cycling, weightlifting, etc. Just listen to your body and do what makes you most comfortable!