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The Best Quarantine Apps

Written by Josie Hinke

While stuck inside, we’ve all been spending more time on our phones. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite apps for entertainment and productivity.

1. Tik Tok:

Surprisingly enough, Tik Tok is home to some of the most creative ideas for ways to stay busy during quarantine. It is also home to endless hours of entertaining video content.

2. House Party:

This app is a great way to keep in contact with your friends while far away. You can play games and answer trivia questions while catching up within the app. This activities within the app itself set it apart from other video chat apps like FaceTime.

3. Nike Training Club:

This app gives you personalized at-home workouts based on your skill level, time, and equipment. The app is free, but you can also upgrade to gain access to even more workouts.

4. Psych!:

Although intended to be played in person, this game can be totally virtual. Have your friends join a game on their own devices and answer fun questions. “And the truth comes out” makes the game personal to your group of friends, but there are other games that ask pop-culture questions.

5. Fiverr:

Do you have a skill that you can utilize virtually? Are you looking for freelance work? With Fiverr you can offer your skills for a chance to make some extra money. This app is particularly useful if you are talented at logo design, social media marketing, Photoshop, voice over, or a number of other skills.

6. SuperCook: With all of the extra time at home, many people have taken up baking or cooking more. SuperCook is an app that makes recipe suggestions based on what ingredients you already have at home.

7. Photo Roulette: This addicting app shares random photos from yours and your friends’ camera rolls. The game is that you have to guess whose camera roll the photo is from. It’s a great way to see what people have been up to, but make sure that everyone is comfortable sharing.

8. Libby: This app connects to your local library, and gives you access to free e-books and audio books. All you need is a library card! Audio books are a great way to stay entertained while you are doing other quarantine activities like crafting and cooking.

Click the images to be taken to the website of each app

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