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Why I Like Minimalism

by Hannah Kim

Since COVID-19, I have stopped buying clothes. While we were all in lockdown, I never bothered to look good or impress anyone with my fashion sense. With so much time on my hands, I’ve pared down my closet and started to get rid of stuff. I’ve only kept what I genuinely love and need. I am now able to find my things quickly and I better appreciate each item.

While going through my closet, I got rid of the things that didn’t fit or were too old and that I hadn’t used over the past few months. When places started opening up, I was able to pair a simple black shirt in five different styles, white pants in three styles, etc. As a result, I could explore my closet and I no longer have to look at a closet full of stuff. I didn’t have to find what I wanted to wear.

My dad always tells me, “Less is more.” It's all about quality, using, and reusing your items. Also, as a college student, I can save a lot of money by not buying super random things. So, in a sense, minimalism can have a positive impact on your finances.

In conclusion, minimalist fashion has helped me clear out my closet, and I can save financially. At the very least, I hope this post inspires you also to become minimalist and enables you to determine how you are spending money when it comes to your wardrobe.



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