Since the pandemic began, content relating to self-growth has become an even bigger trend on social media. Even more so, the use of self-affirmations has been exceedingly popular.
I had never been someone who connected with affirmations until last year when I started following Instagram accounts that posted daily positive statements. I figured it would be a good idea to see helpful encouragement every time I would go on social media since life has been so hectic lately. So far, I’ve found it very effective. I see myself as more productive when it comes to everyday tasks and schoolwork. I feel more positive about the little things in life and the relationships I have with people.
Here are some self-affirmations that help get me through the day.
“It’s okay not to have it figured out yet”
As a full-time college student in the midst of a global pandemic, I’ve been having a difficult time trying to figure out what I’m going to do after I graduate. I automatically get anxious just thinking about it. However, I’ve been working on coming to the realization that it is totally normal at this point in my life to not know exactly what I want to do. I can give myself the time I need to find something that suits me.
“It’s a good day to have a good day”
This is the one affirmation that I think about every time I wake up. Every day is an opportunity to find something new that you love about life!
“Do it because it makes you happy”
I think that doing the things that make you happy is the best way to live your life. Time is going to keep going either way, so why not make the best of it? Making the choice to be happy only creates a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. There is no limit to happiness.
“Be Proud of Yourself”
Keeping this in mind especially during a time like this is extremely important! We’ve been living in a pandemic, be proud of where you are and where you’ve come from over the last year! We’ve never experienced anything like this in our lives. It’s been very strange, but being proud of yourself for how you’ve overcome everything is very powerful and only drives your desire to grow. Your feelings are valid!
“Don’t Forget to Laugh”
Make sure you laugh. Whether you’re spending time with your family or friends, watching your favorite TV show, or if your dad tried to pull off one of those cheesy “dad jokes,” a little laughter can do a lot of good.
If you’re ever searching for more, here are a few Instagram accounts that I personally follow.