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Most Popular Fashion Items on UO’s Campus

By Michaela Hagel

Walking around campus, you are sure to notice a couple of trends that are popular among UO students. Today, I will share which trends I saw as some of the most common during the fall term.

Doc Martens

This should come with no surprise, but docs are still the shoe of choice for most UO students. Their popularity makes sense with the benefits that come from wearing docs. For one, the shoe is made of high-quality leather that lasts forever and is not absurdly expensive. Additionally, the leather makes it extremely easy to clean, making docs the perfect frat shoe! Another added benefit of docs is that they are water-resistant and slip-proof. With the rainy weather of Eugene, docs are the ideal shoe choice to avoid soaking your feet in puddles. Plus, the platform Jadon boots give you a couple of inches of a platform that aids even more in keeping your feet dry. While docs may be hard to wear in, and you may want to give up after a couple of wears, keep treading on. I have had my Jadon boots since 2018, and they are my most comfortable shoe by far.

Trucker Hats

Trucker hats started their rapid rise to popularity during the spring term of last year. They continue to grow in popularity. While walking around, I noticed many girls and even guys participating in the trend. I can imagine trucker hats are helpful with the rainy weather, especially with the pressure not to use an umbrella on campus. Also, if your jacket does not have a hood, a trucker hat seems to be a good substitute. Additionally, infinite designs are available, making it a fantastic way to express your personality and personal style. Finally, I can see trucker hats aiding in popularizing more forms of headwear for the winter, like earmuffs, beanies, and arctic hats.


Corsets have become a trendy going-out top, but they are slowly making their way to campus wear. Students have begun styling them in more casual ways and making street-wear outfits with them. Although many corset styles are available, one of the most popular among UO students is Urban Outfitters’ Love Corset Top. The top has a high cult value among teenage and young adult girls and is usually sold out. If you are lucky enough to get your hands on one, you will most likely end up twinning with someone you know. If that is a good thing or a bad thing is up to you. However, corset tops are here to stay whether you love them or hate them!

Yoga Pants

The long era of leggings is ending, and the infamous yoga pant is making their return. Walking around campus, you will for sure see sorority girls in their sorority sweatshirts paired with yoga pants. They are incredibly comfortable yet look much more put together than leggings or sweats. Yoga pants have been updated for the modern girl and no longer have messages sprawled across the butt. One of the most popular styles among UO students is Aerie’s Offline Real Me Highwaisted Crossover Flare Legging. They are made of Lulu Lemon-like material but are sold reasonably, unlike Lulu. They also come in various colors and a large spectrum of sizes. So will yoga pants become the new leggings? I would have to vote yes.

While these may be the most popular items on UO’s campus, it does not mean you need to own them to have style. One may argue that owning them means you do not have personal style (which is not true either). That being said, owning these items is neither good nor bad. All that matters is if you like them and they bring you joy! Be sure to explore your personal style and develop your likes and dislikes. Understanding what you like and do not like will help you not succumb to fast fashion. Remember that trends do not equal fast fashion if you use it within your personal style.


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