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Playlists: What's New

cover photo by Megan Paspalis

Unlike our previous playlist blog posts, we are going to start showcasing more than one playlist from our team at a time. Here are five playlists recently released by our Spotify team:

1. happiness!

Happiness. Satisfaction. Pleasure. Joy. There are a lot of words to describe a feeling of pure positivity and contentment. The “happiness” playlist inspires positivity and playfulness with its upbeat pop and fast-paced R&B. Each song brings a feeling of happiness in its own way--whether that means singing along to the lyrics, hearing the beats or resonating with the sound, the songs on this playlist are pure goodness curated to inspire and restore the soul.

-curated by Abigail Portwood


For when you've had too much coffee and just need to sprint 💨

-curated by Nijel Aranibar

3. desi tunz

Sometimes you just wanna get up and dance! Here are some of my favorite South-Asian songs that make me proud to be Indian. I love my culture and hope everyone takes the time to appreciate some fun music to dance to. You don’t even have to know the language to feel the vibes of the songs. So what are you waiting for? Get up and dance!

-curated by Ria Bhatt

4. fantasy

Some beautiful melodic electronic music for dancing or staring at the sunset.

- curated by Megan Paspalis

5. Y2K Baby!

Y2K fashion is coming back in style this year so why not bring back the music too? The 2000s were full of some absolute bangers that I completely forgot about, and making this playlist was super nostalgic for me. I haven't listened to some of these songs since I was a kid. I had so much fun making this playlist, so I hope you have fun listening to it!

-curated by Ayden Meyer

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