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What Does Wellness Mean For You?

Written by Gabi Raab

Wellness, especially during quarantine, can mean different things for different people. Whether that be working out, eating healthier, meditating or even reading a book, there is no one correct form of self care and wellness. It is easy to get caught up in the habits of others’ self care routines and worry that yours is not good enough.

I have struggled with this type of insecurity in the past, and still continue to struggle with it. I don’t work out everyday, but I know people in my life who do. I enjoy eating and often worry that I eat too much because there are people around me who eat less.

For me, going on daily walks, waking up at a reasonable time and eating three meals a day is my ideal version of health for my own body. It is important to realize that everyone’s body is different and what works for theirs might not be ideal for yours. This is why I feel so strongly against diet culture. I don’t believe in restricting yourself from food, or feeling guilty for eating something that is deemed “unhealthy.”

Social media fills our heads with a certain idea of how our body should look. Everyday, I see Instagram influencers sharing their fitness routines or what they eat in a day – and instantly feel ashamed of myself for not reflecting their lifestyle choices. I feel as though these types of videos can be extremely harmful because everyone’s body requires different types and amounts of food for its ideal health. As long as you feel healthy and happy, there is no need to compare your activity levels to those around you. Overexercising does so much more harm than good, especially when paired with the harmful notions that come with diet culture.

It is important that we as a society stop comparing our own forms of self care to others’, especially during a pandemic. Remember that during stressful times, such as a pandemic, weight can fluctuate and that is NORMAL. I believe that if we all start listening to our own bodies, it can lead to a much happier and fulfilling life. I know that it has for me.

Here are some Instagram accounts that I believe promote a healthy version of health and wellness that I recommend checking out.

@journey_to_wellness_ → mental health and wellness

@selfcareisforeveryone → mental health and wellness

@selflovesupply → body positivity and mental health

@thebodylovesociety → body positivity and eradicating diet culture


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